A Must-See Site
It's called Theorem of the Day. I just found it, so I can't judge how accurate the frequency claim is, but Robin Whitty has stacked up an impressive collection of short, illustrated introductions to major theorems. I like his taste... two that were news to me and I especially liked in my first sampling: Nevanlinna's Five-Value Theorem and The Analyst's Traveling Salesman Problem.
Sign Robin's guestbook, spread the word, and recommend a theorem of CS theory! (I see at least 3 already, if you count unsolvability of Diophantine equations.)
Sign Robin's guestbook, spread the word, and recommend a theorem of CS theory! (I see at least 3 already, if you count unsolvability of Diophantine equations.)
Labels: general math
Hi Andy,
I am not formally involved in Computer Science but consider it a hobby and one that I am very passionate about learning more about.
I wanted to share this with you and see if you had any thoughts.
This is from the search engine I built:
Theory of Computing Blog Aggregator
Apr 28, 2009 ... Martin Musatov, a horror-film screenwriter, P=NP crank, ... which preclude it from serious consideration toward having resolved P-versus-NP. ...
Any thoughts or am I just way off base. I am sorry to disturb you with this.
I have huge respect for anyone with a desire to learn and even more respect for those with the patience to teach.
M-Wave, at 3:04 AM
Propecia, at 2:44 AM
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